“The charity of those who expend their wealth in the Way of [God] may be likened to a grain of corn, which produces seven ears and each ear yields a hundred grains. Likewise Allah develops manifold the charity of anyone He pleases, for He is All-Embracing, All-Wise.”
— Quran 2:261
Your recurring gift empowers us to expand our services and our reach.
All donations go towards supporting our initiatives, projects and events.

Start a Campaign
Use your talents, interests, and skills to raise money to help the Utah Muslim Civic League to provide support to the local community. There are many ideas to choose from to create a fundraiser. Begin by customizing your personal page, and sharing your story or why you are working to make a difference.
Other ways to give to give to the Utah Muslim Civice League
No matter how your age, where you live, or what your interests are, you can use your resources, talents, and passions to support immigrants, refugees and all minorities become more civically engaged.
Social Fundraising
Donating and fundraising on social media is a powerful way to show your support. Donating and fundraising sends a powerful message to your friends about the importance of civic engagement. It also provides critical funds that keep our work going.
In-Kind Donations
We gratefully welcome supplies that help students, those in need, refugees, immigrants and many others. Everything from what constituents need for hands-on training and education, to care packages for new arrivals to our country, your in-kind donations provide needed support and wellbeing. Some items include hygiene and toiletry goods, cleaning supplies, and winter clothing.
Donate by Shopping on Amazon
Select Utah Muslim Civic League as your charity of choice on Amazon. Shop at smile.amazon.com and they’ll donate 0.5% of eligible purchases towards our charity—no fees, no cost to you.
Our Campaigns
Afghan Refugee Support
In the wake of the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, we need your help more now than ever. There are over 765 Afghan refugees coming to Utah. There are also many more who need urgent assistance. As they arrive, they are placed in situations very unfamiliar to them. They are struggling to obtain the essential items and they need your support.